Stanley Nicholas Bury our little man who we will never ever forget. Mummy, Daddy & Oliver miss you so much

For our little man Stanley, when you arrived into this world on that cold December morning we had the perfect family with you and Oliver. Our lives were complete and we had never been happier. We named you "the poo monster" because you did so many dirty nappies. You were a good baby and hardly ever cried, you fit into the family so easily. We had a lovely christmas and i regret so much forgetting to press record on the video camera. Your dad laughed saying that next christmas you would be walking and pulling the christmas tree down. If only we had know that a week later our world was going to fall apart. If only you could have stayed longer. we could have done so many things together.We don't have many photos of you but we have a million memories and i will never forget the immediate love i felt for you when the midwife placed you in my arms. I could't believe you were a boy i realy thought i was having a girl.You were perfect and just like Oliver you had loads of lovely soft hair. I cannot explain the gap you have have left in Mummy and daddy's lives and hearts. We love you and miss you so much and we would do anything to hold you again. Everytime we see a little boy with ginger hair i think of what you would have looked like and i know that you would have been beautiful. Sometimes I look at your daddy and he looks exactly like you.Im so glad that i can see you in your dad because everytime i look at him i can see part of you.Thank you for blessing us with 16 perfect days we were blessed to have had you in our lives and you will always be in our hearts. Nothing will ever be the same without you but we try and cope and get on with life the best we can. I know one day we will see you again and i can't wait for that day. A lifetime of loves and kisses, from Mummy, daddy & Oliver


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