Lit by Joanne Bury 14th December 2009
I can remember the day we first went to see Stanley when he was born, he was just led in his moses basket and i just wanted to pick him up right away and have a cuddle. He was a beautiful little boy, with the hair the colour of his dads, and just really big wide eyes. He was a little star and never hardly cried, that led there and just would look up at you and now he is still our little star but he is looking down on us.He only had a short time with us and i am just glad that i got to spend some time with him, have the cuddles and to also change his nappies.Shine brightly Stanley you will always be in our thoughts.Happy birthday Stanley and shine brightly for us on Christmas Day and i'll be sure to look into the sky to see if i can see you.God BlessUncle Dan, Auntie Joanne and Shannon x x x x x
This candle was first lit on the 14th of December 2009 and will burn for 85 years 2 months and 19 days.